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A good way to start is defining data models or records related to chat wars kafak topics.

We import static typing stuff

from typing import Dict, List

and faust record

from faust import Record

and this digest object for processing "responses as list" from the api

from .digests import Digest

The records

🤝 Objects on 'cw*-deals' topic

class Deal(Record, serializer="json"):
    sellerId: str
    sellerCastle: str
    sellerName: str
    buyerId: str
    buyerCastle: str
    buyerName: str
    item: str
    qty: int
    price: int

💰 Objects on 'cw*-offers' topic

class Offer(Record, serializer="json"):
    sellerId: str
    sellerCastle: str
    sellerName: str
    item: str
    qty: int
    price: int

⚔ Objects on 'cw*-duels' topic

The duelist

class Duelist(Record, serializer="json"):
    id: str
    name: str
    tag: str
    castle: str
    level: int
    hp: int

And the duel

class Duel(Record, serializer="json"):
    winner: Duelist
    loser: Duelist
    isChallenge: bool
    isGuildDuel: bool

🤑 Objects on 'cw*-sex_digest' topic

The items inside the digest list

class Item(Record, serializer="json"):
    name: str
    prices: List[int]

and the digest

class SexDigest(Digest[Item]):

🛍 Objects on 'cw*-yellow_pages' topic

The item offered inside the shops

class OfferItem(Record, serializer="json"):
    item: str
    price: int
    mana: int

The specialization record inside 'specializations' if any

class Specialization(Record, serializer="json"):
    level: int
    values: Dict[str, int]

Now the shop

class Shop(Record, serializer="json"):
    kind: str
    name: str
    ownerCastle: str
    ownerName: str
    ownerTag: str
    mana: int
    link: str

    offers: List[OfferItem]
    especialization: Dict[str, int]
    especializations: Dict[str, Specialization]

    qualityCraftLevel: int
    maintenanceEnable: bool
    maintenanceCost: int
    guildDiscount: int
    castleDiscount: int

And in the end the yellow_page topic definition

class YellowPage(Digest[Shop]):

🛎 Objects on 'cw*-au_digest' topic

A deal or a auction transaction

class AuctionDeal(Record, serializer="json"):
    lotId: str
    itemName: str
    sellerTag: str
    sellerName: str
    quality: str
    sellerCastle: str
    condition: str
    endAt: str  # TODO: turn this into datetime using dateutils and faust easing
    startedAt: str  # TODO: turn this into datetime using dateutils and faust easing
    buyerCastle: str
    status: str
    finishedAt: str
    buyerTag: str
    buyerName: str
    price: int
    stats: Dict[str, int]

And the auction digest definition

class AuctionDigest(Digest[AuctionDeal]):