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Example of how use it with Pyrogram

We start importing pyrogram client and our PyWars stuff

from pyrogram import Client as Telegram
from PyWars import *

We create a telegram and a chat wars client

telegram = Telegram("my_account")
chat_wars = Client(

A bucket of deals

bucket = {}

Now we start the agents creation for fill a bucket

async def bucket_builder(stream: Stream[Deal]):
    async for deal in stream:
        msg = (
            f"{deal.buyerName} buy {deal.qty} from  {deal.sellerName} a {deal.price} $"
        if deal.item in bucket:
            bucket[deal.item] = [msg]

And a timer for post the bucket every 10 seconds

async def post_deals():
    me = await telegram.get_me()

And late we build a post for that bucket

    post = ""
    for item, lines in bucket.items():
        post += f"{item}:\n\n"
        post += "\n".join(lines)
        post += "\n"
    if post:
        await telegram.send_message(, post)
