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A dummy example of printing all

We import all basic stuff and build a dummy client for cw2 api consumtion

from PyWars import *

app = Client()

We define an agent to process deals

@app.agent(Deal)  # this decorator define wath kind of topic we are specting for consume
async def deals(
    stream: Stream[Deal],
):  # as we consume 'deals' topic we recieve a stream of deals
    async for deal in stream:  # we itterate over the deals
        print(deal)  # and we print every one of them

From now on all it will be more of the same implementation

async def offers(stream: Stream[Offer]):
    async for offer in stream:

async def duels(stream: Stream[Duel]):
    async for duel in stream:

async def sexdigest(stream: Stream[SexDigest]):
    async for sd in stream:

async def yellow_pages(stream: Stream[YellowPage]):
    async for yp in stream:

async def auctions(stream: Stream[AuctionDigest]):
    async for adigest in stream:

Now we start to process and printing, easy and dummy